Friday, 26 June 2009

Blog one (purl two)

After yet another afternoon spent sifting through the shelves of Scarthin Bookshop I discovered the book that started it all. I knocked it off a shelf and it fell open and I fell deeply in love

Now, you may be wondering a number of things: who is that headless man? Why is he covering her eyes? Is it to protect her identity? How can one photo cope with so much ill-fitting pinstripe trouser? Are those giant Jelly Beans randomly stuck hither and thither? But by far the most important question, the one that has induced my knitwear-based nightmares is... well it requires closer inspection and is best said in picture form.

Is that a... balding snowman? What is that he's holding? Surely it's not a tuba?! IS HE PLAYING A TUBA?

Knitting pattern says: yes. Yes he is.

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